Cx Associates performed ASHRAE level 1 and level 2 energy audits, including metering, energy analysis, and Energy Star Portfolio benchmarking, of the Grand Way Commons building in in South Burlington, VT. Grand Way Commons is a four-story senior housing building that was built in two phases, with completion dates of 2005 and 2011. This 97,000 square foot building is primarily for senior housing with office space and a senior care facility.
The Level 1 audit provided a high-level analysis with approximate savings for low-cost/no-cost measures upon a building walk-through. The Level 2 audit consisted of a comprehensive review of the building systems and controls, metering of pumps and light fixtures, and a detailed analysis of the energy consumption of the building by end use. Based on this in-depth analysis, Cx Associates recommended a package of cost-effective energy saving measures to extended equipment life, reduced maintenance costs, and achieve a 20% reduction in energy costs and a 30% reduction in energy consumption. Identified measures that could result in energy savings of 1,553,474 kBtu/year.